Senec “Expres” Train drives in regular one hour intervals on route around Sunny Lakes, with the start and end station on Lichnerova Street. The length of the route is 7.3 km. It drives daily every hour from 9:00. Based on request and agreement with the conductor it is possible to get on and get of anywhere along the route.
Admission Fee: 1,50–2,50 €.

Train Timetable (09:00 – 21:00, since August 15th 09:00– 20:00)

1. Start :00
2. Bistro Lagúna :02
3. Gymnázium (Lichnerova) :05
4. Amfteáter * :07
5. Hotel Senec :10
6. Jahôdka :13
7. Holiday Village :15
8. Východná pláž – bufet :18
9. Východná brána :20
10. Domus Bene :23
11. Polostrov Kosa * :27
12. Bufet pri kurtoch :30
13. Bufet Lumax :32
14. Južná brána :35
15. Gymnázium (SNP) :40
1. End station :45

* Request Stop
All Year Town Bus Transport:
Mobile app (appStore): lpluslApp

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